Thursday, March 8, 2012

6 latest Techniques of Increasing your Website Visitors and Earning

SEO Tips

SEO TipsSEO or Search Engine Optimization will be the practice of increase the rankings of your website within the search engine result pages but there is need to work hard but Technically  
 The following are a  6 best way to increase you page rank and  earning product or website :
1. proper keywords: Keywords Techniques in all search engine optimization is the most important. It is not usually about selecting essentially the most viable search terms within your business or even the very same keywords that your opponents rank for. It’s about selecting the most beneficial feasible keyword versions for the company and prioritizing them correspondingly.
Appropriate Keyword Mapping: According to your major target keyword, you are able to create web page titles and descriptions. These sorts of title tags and descriptions will provide the search engine spiders as well as comprehending with the content material of every web page. The titles and descriptions may also be what seem within the search engine results pages. Make sure to also put keyword phrases targeted header tags – H1, H2, H3 within the HTML code around the web page.
Code Order and Information and Facts Architecture: Use Search Engine Optimization best practices whilst setting up code order. When feasible, put your content material further towards the top with the web page. Appropriate information and facts architecture will guarantee excellent consumer encounter but additionally assist the search engine spiders fully grasp your web pages and content material.
Fix 404 Errors: Broken hyperlinks and 404 errors within your website can trigger penalties which may have an unfavorable effect on search results at the same time as give a very poor consumer encounter.
Utilize 301 Redirects Used for Canonicalization Problems: You would like to be sure that you don’t have www as well as non-www pages displaying within the search engines. This may trigger duplicate content material problems. For instance, you don’t wish to have and without having redirecting one or the other.
Continuously Create Excellent Content Material: Content material is supreme. Content material can appear within the type of duplicate published for every web page, weblogs, content articles, press releases, video clip, and pictures. All of this content material really should help your keyword phrase technique and be optimized for that search engines. Excellent content material will support your website rank effectively, entice great links, and assist turn site visitors into profits. When composing search engine optimization content material, keep in mind to write for your consumer first and then second for the search engines.

Monday, March 5, 2012

How to Increase my Page Rank

Many people think that having a good website is all you need to get tons of visitors. Wrong answer. Getting traffic to your site takes hard work and diligence and is not accomplished overnight. Think about it this way - how are people supposed to know where to find your site if you don't tell them? You must advertise. Here are some proven ways to advertise your site without spending [much] money:
  1. Submit your site to as many search engines as you can. Here are some of the popular ones you can start with:

    MSNNational DirectoryYahooBingWebCrawler
  2. Use a favicon.ico - see below.
  3. If you have a Christian Website, be sure to submit it to all the Christian Directories. We have a list of about 50 of the most popular Christian Directories here. (sadly the list gets shorter by the month)
  4. Have Dynamic content on your site - Message Board, Links Directory, Guest Book, Online Search, Picture Gallery, Quote of the day, News items, Site Search, Links Engine ... It all makes for a more enjoyable experience for your visitors ... and interested visitors come back.
  5. Make sure you don't have broken links on your site! There is nothing more annoying when one clicks a link and it does not work. There are hundreds of places you can go on the internet that will check your link validity. Use them.
  6. Make sure your META TAGS are done right. Learn how to do this here.
  7. Submit your site to as many privately run Link Directories/Search Engines as you can find. These will not generally boost your traffic in any major way but will help to maintain steady stream of qualified visitors.
  8. Use Banners with care. See below.
  9. Subscribe to the Usenet groups and advertise there. A good place to start is Google Groups
    • Be sure to submit your site in appropriate groups!
    • Be sure to signup with a backup email or you will get onto every spammers database!
    • Be sure you don't SPAM -- only submit a write up of your site once to any given group.
  10. Use social networking sites like TwitterfacebookYouTubePlaxoLinkedin and others

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Latest Tips to Upgrade Your Website with SEO

Google and its web analytics tool known as “Google Analytics” as well as Google Webmaster Tools are continously becoming more advanced by adding more and more features to provide better user experience.
Now again both are enriched with tools to track social media more effectively. Now you can utilize them to track the impact of tweets, facebook likes, +1s & a lot more.
If you logged in to your Google Webmaster Tools account you will see that there’s a “+1 Metrics” section.”+1 Matrics” provides reports on the impact of the +1 Button on search. The new analytics tracks the amount of +1s on a given page and show how +1s affect your website’s clickthrough rate (CTR).
The new Activity Report and an Audience Report also added to Google Webmaster Tools. The Activity Report shows the number of +1s your website or webpages have received as well as the Audience report shows the geographic and demographic data about website visitors who have clicked on Google’s +1 button for your website pages.
Google has also introduced a very useful new Social Plugin Tracking tool for Google Analytics. This new social plugin tool can be utilise to compare the impact of various types of social media activities on your website. Along with +1s, it also tracks Twitter tweets, Facebook Likes, Facebook shares etc.
The new Social Plugin Tracking Tool generates three types of reports:
1. Social Engagement- It tracks behavioral changes (time spent on website, pageviews,bounce-rate, etc.) for visits from social plugins.
2. Social Actions- It tracks the number of social media activities users take on your site.
3. Social Pages.- It is used to compare the number of social media activities received on your website.
Its worthful to track social media as social media sites drive a lot of the website traffic.
Social media tracking from Google, just came after launch of Google’s +1 so, we can also say its Google strategy to show the importance of its +1 along with other social media sites. However, these new features from Google provide a great deal of more details and the impact of social media activites to the website owners on their websites.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Windows 8 New Features Release

Windows New  Features Release
Microsoft  start one of the most used OS, brings great challenges to  its users impressed in the next version of Windows.
 Windows 7  has completed all expects well to date  its release, Microsoft always working  constantly working to create  the next version of Windows a better one by further improving upon the existing features, and have added new impressive Windows 8 features along with a stunning UI.
Microsoft released the early version of Windows 8 on.  you who would like to try and experience the all new Windows 8, you can download the Developer Preview, which is currently in pre-beta version. The developer version shows off the current stage of the OS. It is available for free download, and comes in three different packages:
  • (1) 64-bit version – Only the OS
  • (2) 32-bit version – Only the OS
  • (3) 64-bit version with developer tools

Windows 8 Features

Windows 8 offers a number of new Windows 8 features from its all new UI to Windows App Store and improvised security features. Here’s a list of new features and improvements which will arrive with Windows 8:

Support for both x86 PCs and ARM tablets

Windows 8 is the first edition of Windows which will work on both ARM based tablets and traditional x86 (as well as x32 and x64) PCs based on ARM processors from Intel and AMD.
“Support for ARM-based chipsets, touch, and sensors makes Windows 8 work beautifully on your choice of a full spectrum of devices, such as 10-inch slates with all-day battery life, ultra-lightweight laptops, and powerful all-in-ones with 27-inch high-definition screens,” Microsoft contends, in a Windows 8 Guide distributed with Windows Developer Preview

Windows To Go

The “Windows To Go” seems to be an exciting feature that basically allows Windows 8 to boot from a USB device (called as Live USB), including user’s programs, settings and files. The feature is designed to work with both USB 2.0 and USB 3.0, and on both legacy NIOS and UDFI firmware. However, Microsoft says that a user will not be able to “Hibernate” with this feature.
“Windows To Go is a new feature in Windows 8 that enables enterprise administrators to create USB drives containing complete, managed Windows images that users can use to boot and run Windows on any Windows 7 or Windows 8 capable computer. Windows To Go makes it possible for employees to use a managed device whether they work from home, a client office or in a free seating environment. This session will discuss Windows To Go, its hardware requirements and building compatible and complementary software.”
Another interesting thing about this feature is that, if the USB drive is removed, Windows will automatically freeze, but will continue to operate if the USB drive is inserted back in the next 60 seconds after removal.

Windows Store

To compete with Apple, Windows has confirmed the introduction of a Windows Store, similar to Mac App Store, which allows users to browse through Windows applications, while developers can publish their Metro-style apps on Windows 8 devices.
Few days back, Microsoft gave a strategic view of its app store, and gave a quick demo on how it works. Microsoft revealed that the Windows App Store will be the only place where users can access the Metro-styled apps. Here’s a quick demo that shows how users will be able to buy their apps:
Windows 8 User Interface
Speaking about the UI, Windows 8 certainly has got a mind blowing interactive UI, which has been extensively redesigned to a “Metro-style” design, which shows the most important information to you, embodies simplicity, and gives you full control over it. The UI is designed to provide a fluid and intuitive interaction and navigation with touch, or a mouse and keyboard.
Julie Larson-Green, Corporate Vice President, Windows who stated: “Everything that’s great about Windows 7, is better in Windows 8,” gave a quick hands on look at the Windows 8 user-interface. Here are some of the screenshots she released:
Windows Logon Screen – Unlike the traditional way of entering a password to unlock the screen, Windows 8 can be unlocked by just tapping on the right areas of the screen.

Windows 8 Start Screen – The Start screen is yet another impressive UI. The screen basically groups all your applications together, which you can easily drag and drop, or add new things.

Control Panel

Playing Videos in Windows 8

Friday, February 17, 2012

Free to Create Welcome Page of Facebook for your Friends

This too easy to make you Facebook page with a great Welcome Page

There is many friends  asking about facebook iFrame applications or How to create welcome page for friends on facebook page. That's Why i trying to tell you a very easy way to create your facebook page with great welcome note. I realized there’s a need to update my previous post about adding a Welcome tab (or custom tab) to a facebook page. Therefore, I am using with you some my experience  to create Welcome/Custom Tabs for Facebook Pages

1.    Find page of Static HTM: iftame tabs in facebook search

2.    Then Join by clicking Ad Static HTML to a page

3.    after that you get an HTML Editor there you can past your HTML Code of welcome page
you can find the HTML Code of well come page from various site just copy and past there 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

5 Steps to Increase your Google Page Rank

1. Join forums, forums are a great way to achieve links to your website. In most forums you are allowed to have a signature and in your signature you can put a link to your website. But another important note to look on is making sure the forum is somewhat related to your website. You will still get credit if it’s not, but if it’s related to your website than you will be accomplishing two tasks at once.
You will be advertising for your website (bringing in targeted traffic) You will also be building your websites presence.
Your websites presence is very important to your survival. The more people see, or hear about your website the more credibility you will have and this increases your chances of having these visitors come back and possibly become leads.
2. Submit to search engine directories. Search engine directories are a good way to get a free link to your website. They also increase your chances at being listed higher on popular search engines like Google, and overture.
Most search engine directories allow you to submit to their website for free. This will allow you to increase your web presence by being listed on another search engine, and it will also be a free link.
Remember the more links you have the higher your PR will be
3. Using ezine ads (or newsletters). Creating an ezine will probably be the most beneficial step you can take to increasing your web presence. When you create an ezine you will be able to keep visitors coming back to your website for more by using signatures and giving special deals.
4. Creating and publishing articles. Articles are an easy source of generating new traffic. You can include your signature in your article. This will bring in more traffic from article submission directories.
Your signature usually consists of 4 to 8 lines. Usually the first line would be the title of the website that you are trying to advertise. The last line would be the link to the website and the lines in between these would be a sales pitch to draw your viewers into your website.
5. Links from related websites. Gaining links from related websites can be one of the most frustrating tasks you can attempt.
They are very easy to find, but can be somewhat difficult to obtain links from.
To find related websites, all you have to do is go to a search engine… say Google… and type in your subject. Maybe your website is based on ford mustangs.
You go to Google and type in ford mustangs, than you look around for pages that are somewhat related to your website. After you have done this (which should be very easy) you have to contact them in some way to get your link posted on their website. This can be the most difficult task because a lot of webmasters ignore e-mail’s from people requesting links because they don’t see the importance of it at the time. Some other reasons could be that they are rarely online, or they delete spam mail and sometimes delete their important emails in the process.
Important note: When looking for link partners don’t just link with websites that have a page rank of 4 or higher. Link with anyone and everyone you get a chance to. If you link to someone that has a page rank of zero, this will not hurt your page rank. It will only increase it because you are getting a link back to your website. Google doesn’t look at your back links page ranks to determine what yours is going to be. It simply looks at how many back links you have.
So if Google one day decided to link to a website that was just created and this website has a page rank of 0 and has a domain that goes something like this: it’s page rank wouldn’t increase even thoughGoogle’s pagerank is 10, it’s rank would still be zero because it would only have that one back link.

How To Make Money With Google AdSense, Increase Earnings

How To Make Money With Google AdSense, Increase Earnings

make money google adsense

  • How to make extra money with Google

  • Earlier this month, I got engaged with a conversation on Twitter from a friend that asked me if I can write some “stuff” regarding my best performers, as far as making money online is concerned. If you noticed, only on very rare occasions that I will show you “numbers” as it is really not my thing. While I do realize that it might provide more confidence when making suggestions to users, on the other hand, certain business models sometimes works for one and not for the other. In lieu of that, my main objective about this matter is to provide you with information and actionable steps you can take to make things happen. I do hope that by sharing my experiences with you, you can pick up a few things to work on.
    Anyway, that suggestion did spark a good idea for letting people know what works for me and with that said, I will probably be writing more specific posts about it. Today, I will start with Google AdSense.
    Improve Google Adsense Earnings

    How To Make Money With Google AdSense

    AdSense, which requires no major introduction, in my opinion is just like blogging, you need patience and take action on several things for it to work for you. I have seen countless people saying that they don’t make money with it, they only get cents per click, no such thing as high paying keywords, and after a whole year running it, they still are waiting for that first check to come in.
    Well, let me tell you a bit about my experience. I started running AdSense exactly like that, nothing, and probably took me some 6 months to get that first check from Google. Got impatient and started to slap “AdSense” ads all over the place and still nothing. Created MFA sites (Made For AdSense) and although it helped, still not good enough. At a certain point I started to think that it was a waste of time, and virtual real estate spaces, you know, occupying spaces where I probably can put something else. And it goes on. Until…
    I started to apply some things, here and there, to try and improve my AdSense earnings. After taking a series of actions (things that go way beyond just copying and pasting codes), I finally arrived in the position where not only do I get paid monthly, but also became one of my top performers. Following below are some steps you can take to get that desired monthly check from this program. Note that I am saying “monthly” checks and not cents that will take you forever to get paid.

    Actions You Can Take To Improve Your Google AdSense Earnings

    Before I begin, I would like to inform you that most likely, I will be pointing you towards posts that I have already written about AdSense in the past. I don’t see any reason why I should repeat them here. I will however guide you through them, as they are there, waiting to be read, lol.
    Start here:
    • AdSense Checklist – Make sure that you are covering every aspect about the “basics” of AdSense”. If you think you are over that, just skip this step. Otherwise, running through the AdSense Checklist is a good start.
    • AdSense Webinars – A series of free live online webinars are available for you, compliments of the Google AdSense team. These webinars focuses on several topics, such as, AdSense for Search, important technical tips, best practices for optimizing ad placements, formats and colors on your site, placement targeting, using custom channels, etc. If this is new to you, here, I provide more info about Google’s AdSense Webinars. It is free!
    Traffic – This is not to discourage you at all, but, I want to be realistic and tell you right now that traffic is one of the major factors you need to work on to improve your AdSense earnings. Unless you find those keywords that pay $3 per click or higher, having some few clicks would probably be OK. Nonetheless, trust me, if you don’t have enough traffic, specially organic, you will go nowhere with AdSense. Want to know how to improve traffic on your site? Here are tons of traffic generation strategies you can apply, provided by several bloggers, with proven experience about the subject matter. You may also want to work on your SEO practices.
    Ad Placements – Ohh, the never ending, put here, and put there. Blend the colors and all that stuff. Yeah, this is all important, but you should know that all websites have different structures and layouts. Your users behavior while on your site can, and is, different from that of mine, for example. The best way to see how your visitors move around your site is to look at your own “heat map”.
    Google has recently given us yet another tool called in-page analytics. This tool gives you a pretty good idea how and where you can display your ads (also good for other type of ads). Ultimately, there is no magic formula for ad placements, although I am still in favor or them not being intrusive for your readers. Test them in various places and see which ones works best for you. One “trick” that works well for me is to display ads on all of my high traffic pages.
    In addition, this is the reason why it is important to understand, why you should not neglect the next topic, custom channels.
    Custom Channels – Simply put, custom channels are “labels” that you give each of your AdSense units, so that you can easily track how each of them are performing. When someone clicks on your AdSense ad, you would want to know which of them have been clicked. This gives you a good indication as to which “units” perform better and where. Using custom channels are a must, and you can find everything you need to know about them on, How To Use AdSense Channels. Good stuff here, which includes video tutorials, and a very important step which you might or might not be doing. This leads us to the next step, Placement Targeting..
    Placement Targeting – Placement targeting is an AdWords feature used by an advertiser to choose a specific ad placement for their ads to appear. They can target your website or blog specifically for certain placements, should this match their criteria for topics, themes, etc. What you probably don’t know is that placement targeting also makes your content available to Google’s internal sales teams. This sales team work very closely with many advertisers and generally help them to look and target a certain audience or type of content. When setting up your custom channels, you are provided with the option to make that channel targetable. If you choose that option, you can provide a lot of “compelling” reasons why advertisers should give preference to your site.
    Category Filtering – Category filtering allows you to block ads that fall into specific categories. These categories can be dating, religion, politics, etc. Regardless of how ads are targeted, they will be filtered if they are within one of the categories you have selected. This is an option you should be using to avoid “certain” type of ads to be displayed within your site. The more you filter categories, the more relevant your ads will be. I am sure you have seen ads displayed in your site that has nothing to do with your chosen topic or niche.
    Be careful when using this option if you run AdSense on multiple sites with multiple topics. A created filter works as a global setting and you don’t want to filter categories that are relevant to you. Bummer, but this is how it works (for now at least).
    Units/Other Options – As you know, there are many type of AdSense formats. What is the best format that you should use? Can’t tell you exactly, but 120X600 (for sidebar) and 728X90 (for header and footer) are the ones I recommend most. In-post, 300X250 and 468X60, work better. Anyway, as I said, keep on testing and monitor your channels.
    Other options include, CSE (Custom Search Engine), RSS feeds, etc. While I do have AdSense for feeds, I must admit that it does not convert at all. CSE on the other hand has been good, specially on other niche sites that I have. In my opinion, I don’t see why you should not be using it. It is better than the “standard” search box you may have, and you can customize your AdSense search box in so many ways you probably do not even know about.
    Google Keyword Tool – High paying keywords – Do they exists? Yes they do, and it is not “meso….” whatever, that has been there for like a decade. Recently, a list of the Top 20 Most Expensive Keywords in Google AdWordsadvertising has been released. Head over there and try to guess which ones they are. Just remember that it is equally important that you are choosing the right topic or keyword to target for.
    In addition, this article, although written for domain investment purposes, should give you an idea on how to find those high CPC keywords.
    Also, for the sake of giving you an example, some days ago, here on my blog, I got clicks that ranged between $1,3 to $13,01. Yes, that is one click only… and as you can see, they exist… Sadly, I don’t know what exact “ads” generated those clicks, something that will remain a mystery to us all.
    Google AdSense CPC
    NOTE: Before I forget, I want you to know that my best AdSense performer is not here on iBlogzone. It is on a niche site where although the clicks I get are less in value, are compensated with higher CTR. The key is to find a topic that people are searching for to buy, and not to get informed or learn about something. I will cover this on a next blog post.
    Integrate with Google Affiliate Network – While this is not directly related to Google AdSense, you might want to read about Google’s Affiliate Network(GAF) and give it a go. Why? Because all earnings that you make on GAF gets integrated to your Google AdSense Account. This way, you are able to reach that payment threshold much quicker. Nothing to loose.

    Should You Start Or Continue Using Google AdSense?

    This is really up to you, although I don’t see any reason why not, should you wish to give Google AdSense a go or another try. I continue to recommend the program and if you take action on what you were informed about here today, you should see some improvements in your earnings. There are many other valuable resources out there for sure (Lisa’s 2createawebiste is one them), and it is most likely that I have covered enough here to get you going. I would speculate that you have here a ratio of 40/10/50 to make things happen. That is 40% of information here, 10% that I might have missed out and 50% which is all about you, taking action.
    That’s it! How about you? What experience do you have making money with Google AdSense?
    You May Also Like:
    1. Komoona AdSense Companion: Double Your Chances To Make Money
    2. Increase Followers, Get More Traffic And Make Money With This Twitter Plugin
    3. Is Google’s AdSense Really Worth It?
    4. Can Your Blog Make You Money Offline?
    5. Do I Need My Own Product To Make Money Online?

    Saturday, February 4, 2012

    7 keys to SEO: How to help people find your blog
    Even a novice blogger needs to understand how people use search engines to find the content they are looking for. You want to help people find your posts. This practice is known as search-engine optimization, abbreviated SEO.
    I am not expert enough in SEO to cover the matter in depth (for more on the topic, I recommend Danny Sullivan‘s excellent Search Engine Land blog). I will cover some basics for a workshop today for the music staff of the CBC. When you are working on a blog post, consider these factors to help people find your post:
    • Relevance
    • Headline
    • Keywords
    • Google trends
    • Links
    • Photo captions
    • Metadata

    1. Relevance.

    Don’t litter your post or headline with irrelevant terms that you think might help your Googlejuice (the term for your attractiveness to Google’s search engine). With its downgrading of content farms and its use of “+1” endorsements to enhance search results, Google is trying to improve the search process, so apply all of these techniques only by choosing words and links that are relevant to your post. Don’t drop gratuitous references to Lady Gaga into your post (unless you are doing it for humor, as Gene Weingarten did).

    2. Headlines

    The headline is the most important part of your post to help search engines find your content. It should include the words people might be most likely to use in trying find content on the topic(s) you are writing about. If you were searching for something like this post, what are the first few words you would type into a search engine? Those words should be in your headline, ideally the first few words of the headline. Often this will be a performer’s name, but it might be the name of a venue, genre or instrument.
    Writing a headline for search engines is significantly different from writing a headline for a newspaper. In a newspaper, the reader sees the headline in context: A reader of the Toronto Star or Globe and Mail entertainment section sees “lang” or “Cohen” in a headline and will assume you mean k.d. lang orLeonard Cohen. But people searching for stories about those musicians are likely to type their full names in the search window, so your headline should include the full names. A newspaper headline can be intriguing because you read it in context, seeing it on a news, entertainment or sports page. But a headline that tries to intrigue the reader online actually tends to withhold keywords that search engines want to see in the headline.
    On my Hated Yankees blog, before I understood about the importance of headlines to SEO, I wrote a blog post about Don Mattingly, comparing his career achievements to Kirby Puckett’s (they’re nearly identical), and arguing that since Puckett was an automatic Hall of Famer, Mattingly should be, too. My headline would have worked fine in a newspaper, where it would have run on a sports page, probably above photos of Mattingly and Puckett. But to a search engine,You be the judge: Who’s a Hall of Famer? isn’t going to show up high when people are searching for Don Mattingly. I’ve written other blog posts on Yankees who aren’t any more famous than Mattingly (Ron GuidryGraig Nettlesand Thurman Munson) that attracted significantly more readers because I put their names in the headlines, making it easier for people to find them.
    It’s also a good idea to include words such as poll or video that people might search for (photo is not as helpful, because so many posts include photos and Google has a separate image search, so people are less likely to include photoin a search term). You can just do this in parentheses after the headline: (VIDEO). By the way, I didn’t do that here, because the videos aren’t really about SEO, so they wouldn’t be relevant to a search. If I were blogging aboutGordon Lightfoot or David Allen Coe, the videos would be relevant and I should mention them in the headline.

    3. Keywords

    While the headline is the most important part of your content for a search engine, the words in the text also help search engines find your blog post. So make sure that you place keywords people might search for high in your post. It’s best to place the keywords in the first sentence, but that concern should not override your need to write a strong lead. “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” was a great song, written before SEO mattered, which is good because it had lousy SEO. The headline probably needed the words “shipwreck” and “Lake Superior.” But the offense was compounded in the lyrics because it never used the term “Lake Superior.” The lake is alternately called “Gitche Gumee,” “Superior” and “the lake,” but to be most attractive to search engines, you want to use the exact phrase people might search for. Good writing should trump clumsy SEO writing, but try to smoothly use the most likely relevant search terms in your blog posts.

    4. Google trends

    Use Google trends to check for popular keywords. You can enter a few different possible keyword combinations in the search window to see which is the most popular combination. If you enter the first word or two of a search (perhaps an artist’s name) into Google’s home-page search window, the auto-completes that Google provides will show you some popular searches. If one of those searches is relevant, consider using that exact term in your headline and/or in the post.

    5. Links

    Links are how a search engine’s spiders find your content. Relevant links boost your CEO. They not only help Google find you, but other blogs and sites get “pingbacks” (notifications that you have linked to them), so they might link to you, or blog or tweet about you, which further boosts your SEO. It also helps your SEO if the hyperlinked word (called the anchor text) are relevant. For instance, in point #2 above, I underlined and italicized blog post because that’s where I might have put the link about the Don Mattingly post. You’ll notice that instead, I linked the actual headline. Or I could have linked Mattingly’s name. Those are more relevant, so those links are more helpful to my SEO. Another bad practice is to hyperlink words like click here, rather than linking in relevant anchor text.

    6. Photo captions

    Photos often have their own URLs, so sometimes they will be the side door into a blog post. Someone searching for an image will find the image and end up reading your post. Or a photo or video might be a blog post by itself. Because the photo and video are not searchable themselves, you need to provide keywords that will help people find them. In the caption of the photo or the introduction to the video, be sure to use the keywords and phrases that people interested in this photo or video might use in a search. Write captions for three different audiences: the search engine itself, the person looking at a page of search results and the person who is actually looking at the photo. Be sure to identify people and places in the photo or video and to answer any questions the photo might raise. Don’t feel you need to state the obvious, unless that might help the search engines find the photo or help someone reading the caption in a page of search results.

    7. Metadata

    Metadata is essentially data about data. In this case, it’s information about your blog or photo that might not be immediately visible to readers but is visible to search engines. If your content management system allows you to enter tags and SEO keywords, be sure to provide relevant tags and keywords.
    Much of my understanding of SEO comes from my former TBD colleague Mitch Schuler, who led a workshop for our staff and later was a guest speaker for my entrepreneurial journalism class at Georgetown University. He hasn’t blogged about SEO, or I would link to him and quote him, but I certainly should attribute much of this blog post indirectly to Mitch (except for any errors, which are mine).
    My favorite anecdote about Mitch’s SEO expertise comes from the Discovery Channel hostage situation, which was the first big breaking news story, just three weeks after we launched on Aug. 9, 2010. The suspect was named James Jay Lee, and we initially identified him in our story and headline using all three names, as criminal suspects have been identified by journalists since way before Lee Harvey Oswald, just to avoid any misidentification. Mitch quickly noted that people were searching more for “James J. Lee” than for “James Jay Lee,” so we quickly rewrote our headline to cut the middle name down to just the initial. And we rocked in search results and search traffic that day.
    I will use short clips from these two videos to illustrate some points about SEO. This David Allen Coe song makes fun of country music clichés by gratuitously singing about mother, prison, truck, trains and getting drunk. It makes for a fun song, but it’s not good SEO to gratuitously drop irrelevant words into a blog post: