Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Get free help to build your website and help on determining what are the best keywords for your site

Get free help to build your website and help on determining what are the best keywords for your site.
  • Introduction:
    The keywords and key phrases need to be thought about before you choose a domain name and especially before you start building your website.

    What is the one or two keywords you would type into a search engine to look for "Just about exactly" you are offering, selling or promoting?

    We will give an example of our own website: We thought of many keywords: Search engine optimization, seo help, seo free help, build my own website, free website help, website help. Here's what we found and here is how we searched as we do for all of our website names and keywords.


    At the top of GOOGLE, YAHOO & MSN - you will see number for the amount of keyword combination queries that were found for any combination of the keyword that you have just typed in. We always look at all three of these search engines and then make a determination to target the highest keyword volumes. Do keep in mind, these numbers change all of the time, but this will give you a pretty good idea of what keywords give the most traffic.

    Keyword count
    Keywords / Phrases
    Search engine optimization
    Seo help63,000,00046,200,000861,132
    Seo free help39,000,30033,600,000713,544
    build my own website152,000,00081,100,0002,305,123
    free website help516,000,000437,000,00089,823,115
    website help2,380,000,000814,000,000296,320,741

    Guess what? We took a stab at the 2 Billion + on Google, The 814 Million on Yahoo and the 296 Million on MSN. You Decide!
    We would not recommend if you have a car dealership in New York, to shoot for the keyword: car dealerships (You may wish to target your local area, such as: New York Car Dealership or if you own a pet store in Chicago (You may want to choose something to do with Chicago or Illinois Pet Store). Get the point? Don't overshoot your self on your keyword coverage, it could be a disaster.
  • Keywords and the domain name:It is a known fact by us, that the relevancy of your domain name versus the keywords used in your title and meta tags should somewhat match if not completely, at least mostly. What this means is this: If you have a domain name that you bought called, it would for the most part, be unthinkable that it would ever rank on the search engines for Real Estate or Car Dealerships. Unless you did a terrific job at linking out to other websites and had them all link back to you as a Car Dealership or a Big Real Estate Website.

    It is very important to name your website as close to the keyword of your concept and research thus far. Let's use our website as an example again: We chose because this is website help, and it was available. There were no others available as I recall, but I can tell you that this domain name is completely relevant to help my web site or web site help. Wouldn't you agree?
    Bonus: - Here is where we search for our domain names:
    But, when we find an available domain name, we normally do the purchase through because they are way cheaper.
  • Keywords and your meta tags:Your meta tags tell a lot of valuable information to the search engines, so choosing the keywords in order as to their importance is a must. Some meta tags are simply ignored by some search engines but we also believe that the search engines measure your content versus your meta tags and use what weighs the best and has a better synopsis of your page. So, still use your meta tags and use them correctly.

    Example: We used the keyword: Best keywords and also keywords in our meta tags and made sure that the page content was homing in on Keywords as also our Title matches as well - and so does our description. We also placed the order layout of the keywords in the order of importance.

    <title>Best Keywords, free help</title>
    <meta name="description" content="Get free help to build your website and help on determining what are the best keywords for your site.">
    <meta name="keywords" content="keywords, best keywords, website help, website, help, free">

    One more CRITICAL thing to remember when writing your meta tags is this: Based on what we have found, CAPS are crucial. We believe that there are a maximum number of 3 CAPS allowed in the Title, 5 in the description and never use CAPS in the keywords tag. Additionally, see how the title matches the keywords tag and the description follows suit? 

     - Here is a free meta tag check tool - use this to get 100% on all of your meta tags.
  • Enough said about keywords:Now is the time to move on to proper domain name research and how to match your domain name to the specific keywords you are drilling for.

    Remember: Do Not Stuff keywords all over your page for the search engines, keep focused and make your content for your readers and make it make sense. Also, don't go crazy on stuffing tens or hundreds of keywords in your Keyword Meta Tags: use only what each page is about (No less than 3 keywords and no more than 10 in your meta tag).

    Now it is time to go to our next section on domain names or return to Free Website Help main page.


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