Tuesday, January 18, 2011

SEO Training: Learn SEO From Today's Leading SEO Expert And Achieve #1 Rankings In As Little As 7 Days...

SEO training is only valuable when you learn practical skills that start paying dividends immediately. I've consulted with dozens of companies that pay tens of thousands of dollars to "leading" SEO firms only to learn that it's all theory. That's great if you want to learn about SEO but isn't going to give you top rankings.
Are you looking for SEO Training that produces real results? I've proven time and again that anyone can learn the most beneficial SEO techniques that deliver results regardless of background or previous knowledge of search engine optimization. My seo training course is ideal for anyone who is looking for immediate results.
I know this to be true based on experience. I've achieved top search engine rankings for my own web sites and blogs, developing a step-by-step approach that's easy to follow. Dozens of my clients are achieving top rankings by applying the exact same SEO marketing formula I reveal in my seo training class. My mission is to share what I've learning, coaching others with practical advice for achieving success.

What Can You Do With SEO and SEO Training?
A question I seem to get a lot is, "What good is SEO when I'm already ranked number one?" In response, I ask the question, "What are you ranked #1 for?" If it's the name of your company than I'll bet you're not getting very much traffic. Small to medium-sized businesses need to achieve high organic rankings for the terms prospective customers are search on - which isn't your company name!
More than 70% of browsers click on the first three search engine results. Nearly 90% of all search engine traffic comes from the first page of rankings. If you want traffic to your website then you need to focus on improving organic results. You can spend tens of thousands of dollars each month buying traffic, but personally, I'd rather get my traffic for free. Once you learn SEO strategies for top rankings and get a taste of FREE traffic, there's no turning back.
My first book, SEO Made Simple: Strategies for Dominating the World's Largest Search Engine, was a "tell all" seo training guide that changed the way people think about SEO. As a result, my methods are now taught through my book and seo training classes in more than 30 countries. This simple fact is the reason why small and medium sized businesses are dominating many of the leading brands in search engine result listings. But enough about me... it's all about you and the results you want (i.e. need) for your website or blog.
SEO Training: Learn SEO Methods That Guarantee Results
I'm a pretty straightforward kind of guy so let me give you my thoughts on some of the top SEO firms. Many of these SEO goliaths want you to spend $1,500 for a few of days worth of SEO training - not me. I've sat in those SEO training courses... and guess what? If you want to be an "SEO Expert" then they're worth every penny. However, if you want your website to be ranked in the #1 position on Google, then don't waste your time. You don't have to be a guru to achieve number one rankings. The fact is that nothing can replace practical knowledge from someone who's actually done the work and developed a process for achieving results. The key is separating fact from fiction - discovering the most effective seo training techniques and applying them NOW!
Let's do a little exercise. Go to Google and type in "marketing expert" or "internet marketing expert". What's the first result? I'll save you some time - MarketingScoop.com. Why? There are a lot of reasons why my site is ranked number one on the world's LARGEST search engine. Much of it has to do with Google PR, how my site is viewed in comparison to other sites across my niche, and in-bound links (more on this later). What I can tell you without hesitation is that I didn't get to the top spot by learning a bunch of SEO theory. I got there by copying the exact strategies that top ranked web sites were using to achieve top search engine placements again and again. This forumula is what I reveal in my courses, one-on-one teachings, and publications.
SEO Training Program
Today I teach the same methods I use EVERY DAY to achieve top search engine rankings for my websites, affiliate sites, blogs, and help my customers do the same. These methods are taught through a 1-day or 2-day program that is customized to your business, your goals, and the specific outcomes you're looking for. It's always a good idea to have a general understanding of certain principles before you start down a path, but 90% of your focus should be on practical skills you can implement, that generate results.
The example I like to use is going on a diet. It's great to know what to eat, how to eat is (weigh and measure), and what to do (exercise). But until you start waking up at 6am for that morning jog and start eating in a manner that supports good health - not talking about it, not thinking about it - you're just never going to lose the weight!
The MarketingScoop SEO Training Program covers the following topics in either a 1-day or 2-day format. The two day format provides a greater level of customization for your business, more case studies/examples, and an even greater hands-on approach (group exercises). Each SEO marketing training session covers:
  • Proven techniques for achieving #1 search engine rankings in just 30 days
  • The most common mistake made by Website owners seeking top rankings
  • How to improve rankings more than 200 positions with one simple technique
  • A powerful method for finding traffic-generating keywords for your website
  • On-page optimization techniques search engines value most when ranking your site
  • The power of link building and how you can win the game of SEO
  • The most effective way to boost rankings using in-bound linking strategies
  • Off-page optimization methods that build quality links in less than 48 hours
    And much more. Get the full SEO Training Outline below...
The SEO training course curriculum for my seo training program is very simple. It starts with understanding some basic SEO principles and focuses on two main areas. The first is "on page optimization". This is what you do to your website to enhance search engine result placements. By applying these principles, you're developing a strong foundation for your search engine optimization efforts that can be sustained over the long term.
The second area is "off page optimization". In a nutshell, this is the secret sauce that drives Google results. The formula is complex and no one really knows how much of each ingredient goes into it, but we have a pretty good idea! I'll take you by the hand and show you the step-by-step the specific techniques you can apply IMMEDIATELY to improve your web site's search ranking. Once you understand these principles and practice applying them, it's off to the races.
"I have gone through the MarketingScoop.com SEO Training program and have treated your methods as my new religion. When I started this whole process, my website was buried on about page twenty eight of Google... I went to page one on Google for "spa covers", "replacement spa covers" and "spa cover replacement." Thanks again for teaching me these fantastic techniques!" 

- Jeff Slinger, SpaCap CEO
"Hey Michael, after applying what I learning in your SEO training program, my traffic has gone from a little more than 10,000 visitors per month, on average, to OVER 45,000 visitors. After going through your program, and learning the powerful techniques revealed, I'm convince that your SEO Training Program is the best one out there. Thanks for showing me the techniques that significantly improved my Google search engine results."
- Bill Herron, Owner Adaera.com
So What Does This World Class SEO Training Program Cost?
Before I answer that question, let me tell you that my consulting fee is about $2,500 per day plus travel. Yes.. people actually pay me that kind of consulting fee because of the results I've PROVEN I can deliver. Not only do they get the benefit of a customized plan to enhance their organic results, but over time, they generate significantly more revenue at a much lower cost. In fact, I've saved some companies as much as $80K per month on PPC advertising that was no longer needed after they achieved the #1 position for a given search term or keyword phrase.
The big guys like Bruce Clay, SEO.com, SEOP, etc., will gladly charge you $1,500 per person for an SEO training course that teaches you all theory and provides little if any tangible knowledge. Additionally, I'm sure you can find some free seo training somewhere online but remember that you often get what you pay for. My SEO training program (available in 1-day or 2-day format) teaches you how to succeed online over and over again for only $795* per person.
Now you might be saying, "That's still a lot of money", but I would ask you to think about how much money you're losing each day by not applying the strategies needed to move your site up the search rankings. You are either improving your search rankings or losing rankings each day. The Internet is always changing! If you're not applying the right techniques to protect your positions or improving them, it's costing you.
Instead of going to a seminar on how to fish (i.e. bait the hook and throw it in), spend your time with a professional fisherman (figuratively, not literally) on the dock, showing you how to choose a fishing pole, bait your hook, cast in your line, and reel in the big one. It's a lot easier when the master fisherman is standing next to you each step of the way. He can guide you, give you feedback, and show you how to improve your results. That's my job and that's what you'll get with hands on training.
Get started today by filling out our Inquiry form and indicating your interest in MarketingScoop's SEO Training for your business. We'll have one of our SEO experts contact you immediately to answer your questions and learn more about your business to see if you qualify for our program. Click on the button below to complete our no-obligation inquiry form.

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