Friday, December 30, 2011


Payment History

The record of your payments is now located on your Home -> Payments page. The order in which your payments are displayed on this page has been updated, so your most recent payments now appear at the bottom of the page. The specific details for each payment continue to be available by clicking any "Payment" link.
Payment Settings

You can update your payment method and payment address in your Account settings page, located under the Home tab.
Tax Information

Your tax information is also available within the Home -> Account settings page.

Take a look at our overview of the new reports for a full list of the places where you'll find everything.
Saved Reports

To save a report in your Performance reports, just generate a report with your preferred settings, then click the Save report button above the table. You can later access saved reports in the sidebar of the same page.
Emailing Reports

You can email reports to yourself or others by creating a scheduled report.
AdSense for search top queries

Right now, you can't view top queries in your reports. Queries are still being tracked, but they don't appear in your reports yet. We hope to add this functionality to the new interface soon.

Importing reports from the old interface

You can import reports that you've run in the old interface by visiting the Performance reports tab, then clicking Manage in the side panel. From there click the Import reports from the old interface button. Some exceptions apply, so please learn more.


All the filtering features are now located on the Allow & block tab.
Competitive Ad Filter

We've renamed and moved the Competitive Ad Filter, but it still works the same. You'll now find it under the Allow & block ads tab in your account, on the Advertiser URLs page. Make a selection from the Product drop-down at the top of the page, then enter URLs, just as you've done in your filter list.
Ad Review Center

You'll now find the ad review center on the Allow & block ads tab of your account. The ad review center contains the same settings and options, plus the ability to search for ads.
Category filtering

Category filtering is available under the Allow & block ads tab, on the Ad categories page.

Ad Management of Adsens

Creating and updating ad units, search engines, and custom channels now takes place on the My ads tab. If you use AdSense for feeds, you may notice that the options to view feed stats and suspend feed ads have not yet been added.
Creating and updating ads

On the My ads tab, choose your product from the sidebar to create an ad unit or view a list of saved ad units or search engines. You can customize your ads just as you did in the previous interface. You can manage ads you've created by selecting the name in your list of ad units. Or, edit ad units in bulk using the Actions dropdown.
Alternate ads

We've changed the name of alternate ads to backup ads to more clearly reflect their function: appearing as a backup if there are no targeted ads to display. On the My ads tab, you can continue to specify backup ads for any ad unit during the ad creation process or while editing an individual ad unit.
Custom color palettes

You can design and save color palettes and more using ad styles. Color palettes you created in the previous interface are available in the new interface as ad styles. Note that once you've started using ad styles, you can no longer import newly created custom palettes.
Custom channels

Create or edit custom channels by visiting the My ads tab. From the sidebar, choose your product, then Custom channels. You can view custom channel reports on your Performance reports page, again by choosing custom channels from the menu on the side.
URL Channels

Your URL channels can be found on the My ads tab. From the sidebar, choose your product, then URL channels. Note that not all products support URL channels. In this section, you can add new URLs to track by clicking the New URL channel button. To remove or deactivate a URL channel, click its check box and make the appropriate selection from the Actions drop-down.

How Can you Mange you Account in google Adsens

Where can I find all the features from the previous interface?

Account Management
Ad Management

Account Management

Most of your common account actions have moved from the My Account tab in the previous interface to the Account settings page, under the Home tab in the new interface.

Contact and Email Preferences

You can update your contact details on the Account settings page, along with choosing the types of emails you'd like to receive from AdSense or the language of our communications.
Personal Identification Number (PIN) Verification

As in the previous interface, you'll continue to see an alert on your account's Home Overview page if you need to verify your address by entering a PIN. In the new interface, you can also enter your PIN by visiting your Account settings page and, in the Account information section, clicking "verify address".
Allowed Sites

You can now specify which sites are permitted to display your AdSense code within the renamed "site authorization" feature, available on the Home -> Account settings page.
Site Authentication

The site authentication feature, which lets you give our crawler access to login-protected pages, has been renamed to the crawler logins feature. You can add or update a crawler login for your site by visiting the Home -> Account settings page and scrolling down to the Access and authorization section at the bottom. Next to crawler access, click "edit logins", then add your details.
Site Diagnostics

The crawling errors you used to see on the Site Diagnostics page of your account have moved to the Account settings -> Crawler access section as well. If the AdSense crawler has encountered any problems reaching your pages to determine their content and provide targeted ads, you'll see a "view errors" link in this section

Link Unites of google adsens

Link Units

back forward
Display Ads Text Ads | Video Ads | Mobile Ads | Link Units

Displays 3 links
Displays 3 links
Displays 3 links
Displays 3 links
(468x15) Displays 4 links
(728x15) Displays 4 links

Friday, December 2, 2011



Over the past month Google has mentioned the integration of airline flight schedules into their search results. Users have requested a more seamless way to find flight prices and schedules without having to leave the search page. Like most things, when Google users ask for something, Google is always happy to comply.
Google Flights Page
This interface looks a lot like other travel websites. It is simple and built around a familiar system that users will recognize. The service is a great benefit for users, but online travel companies probably do not like this change at all. It seems like whenever a company has a successful idea for an online service or business, Google agrees with them and provides the same things for free. A great example of this is GoToMeeting, it will be interesting to see if that service can survive now that Google+ business pages provides the same service for free. The online travel market is another sector to watch as the ripples from this announcement spread throughout the internet and users become more accustomed to the feature. In all likelihood, internet users will probably just use this new service as opposed to other options available on the web. People are lazy, and if Google can provide users with what they need and want on the first page, most people will be satisfied.
A new feature for specific search queries has been added. By searching for the terms “flight”, “schedule” and a location, users will receive search results that they are very familiar with on the first page, one might expect Expedia, Kayak, Cheaptickets and other similar sites to rank on the first page for such keywords. This still holds true so websites that rank well for travel related markets should not fear they will be pushed out of the top 10 for search terms that flight results are displayed for as well.
if Google can provide users with what they need and want on the first page, most people will be satisfied. 
Google hasn’t drastically altered the format of the first page for travel related search terms, but they have conveniently placed the flight options in one of the best areas possible. Take a look at the search query, “flights from santa barbara to new york”. There are paid for advertisements that dominate the top section of the page, no organic links at all. Then immediately below the paid for links, Google puts their new flight schedule feature in the area where the first organic search results could be displayed. Makes you wonder if Google will receive any compensation for flights that are booked using this new service. I am fairly certain their is some financial incentive behind this change as the schedule feature takes up most of the remaining room on the front page before the fold.
The flight information is nearly dead center on the first page drawing the users eye and attention towards it immediately. I understand that Google wants to create the best search experience possible for their users, but providing this information will be very damaging to travel companies that make a living off of these same services. Not to mention that many users will likely be confused by this and completely ignore other travel sites like expedia, tavelocity, cheaptickets etc.
As you can see, the schedule service takes up a large amount of the first page. It doesn’t seem fair to other businesses that are trying to rank for similar keywords, but it’s Google and they kind of do whatever they please. This new first page system looks like it is here to stay, so whether you hate it or love it, its time to get used to it. Thankfully this change will not be as disruptive as many of the other algorithm updates that have occurred this year as it will only effect the travel sector. I wonder what search “innovations” Google will come up with next. I just hope they can come up with their own ideas this time, and stop basing their free services on products other companies already provide.

Top 5 SEO Tips for 2012


2011 has been a crazy year for internet marketers, affiliate groups, and any online business. We have all been on our toes with what or how Google will change next, each time algorithm updates have hit, thousands and thousands of shifts have altered our internet environment this year. Many people have lost their jobs and passive income streams from one small swipe of the “Panda algorithm”, just the same, a ton of people have seen big growth and major success receiving new traffic sources coming along with improve rankings for keywords.
Whether you were on the good or bad side of the Google bat this year, we are going to look at some of the most important SEO tips for next year. Helping you guys make the right choices when it comes to new strategies and website options in 2012.
Top 5 SEO Tips for 2012:
1. Post new content regularly – since the Panda and Freshness updates, Google has been giving more weight and authority to those sites and domains that are releasing high quality, unique content consistently. For many keywords this can really provide a lot of support against your competition, if they are not updating and adding new user worthy content, than you’ll see better rankings against those competitors overtime.
  • Outrank competition that is going stale and cannot produce the content publishing you are
  • Find 1,000′s of new visitors through long-tail keywords
  • Associate with new keyword terms and phrases
  • Google will spider your site more and build trust faster through higher content volumes on your domain
Competition dictates how often you should update your site, most low to medium competition niches will not need more than 1 update per week. High competition and big volume markets, like SEO for example, you’ll need to update daily if you ever want to be an authority.
2. Add multimedia to your blogs! Now more than ever does Google want to see video and high quality images added to your content releases. You do not have to produce the most professional, awe-inspiring art for your blogs, just make it useful and high definition real life pictures or footage is often best.
  • Add more video – take interviews, add real life footage of products or services
  • Every post needs images
  • Google sees multimedia as an essential part of the user experience, how do you look compared to your competition?
Not only does Google love seeing videos on your site, you can upload them to many different video sites, gaining you more backlinks and additional traffic each month as well.
3. Create content for backlinks, don’t copy or duplicate! Google does not want to see the same article spammed around 1,000′s of directories. They’ve gotten very good at detecting duped content and you’ll only receive credit for one actual inbound link or reputation builder, and not all the other sources.
  • Write new & fresh content for press releases, article sites, etc
  • Don’t waste time on junk or low quality sites, go after the high page rank and authority sites
  • Add new images and video to these submissions, your links will stay and gain more weight over time
It takes more time, but writing original content for backlinks help them last longer, passes more link juice and builds authorship for your domain online
4. Diversity and Relevance is more important than ever. When you are looking to create new backlinks and inbound properties throughout the web, you want to make sure that Google sees a relation between the topics and themes of your content and the site your distributing on.
  • Google wants to see MANY domains pointing toward your site, not MANY links from few domains
  • The higher the relevance, the higher the backlink quality will be
  • Don’t waste your time adding your site to non-relevant link farms and junk
5. Give up on black hat..Honestly, we’ve seen a lot of useful and important black hat techniques the past few years which webmasters could not afford to overlook. If you did, your competition was probably killing you in terms of search traffic. But now Google has gotten a lot better at finding and destroying a lot of black hat strategies around the web, it now can be very detrimental to run any black hat tactics on your blog or site. I believe inbound links, or “backlinks”, have become less important in today’s search results. You’ve got to have the content and user worthy intent for Google to really give you top rankings on any high competition keyword terms and phrases.
  • Backlinks are not AS important as they once were, still a major focus for SEO and internet marketing, but be wary of pushing too hard on manipulative techniques and high volume inbound links
  • Anchor text needs to be natural – you don’t want 1,000′s of low quality, exact keyword match anchored backlinks
  • Content spinning and duping is dead, you will be hunted down and smashed by Panda
  • Social media and web 2.0′s offer EASY and HIGH QUALITY backlinks, stop wasting your time paying for junk links
Final thoughts for your online marketing and Google’s future, here is Matt Cutts on “Does Google consider SEO to be spam?”
So we can see by what Matt is saying here that black hat and older methods of “SEO” is not worth maintaining, now search engines are more demanding with the type and quality of content your publishing. Again, I think its very important to see what your competition is doing online for your industry, profession, or niche. If you are not going to be producing blog posts and pages that compete, than you will not succeed in the long run. Google is placing their users first, remember that. So make sure that when Googlebot spiders your page, they are impressed and can rank you at the top with your competition. Helping you demand higher rankings and build trust over time, this is where authority sites are starting to be the big money makers and pushing out a lot of the small, micro-niche sites.

- who has written 89 posts on SEO Best Tips Blog.
Fortune 500 sales executive turned internet marketer and SEO Consultant, lead SEO consultant with SEO, a Santa Barbara SEO Company and independent clients. Please feel free to email me at for a free consultation for your internet marketing needs.


  1. Pablo Alberto
    Wow! Excellent Article, I will make my blog based on these tips thank you very much. It will definetely help me setup a strong foundation to start seeing traffic come through in 2012


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