Friday, December 2, 2011

Test Your Skills in SEO Specialist’s Quiz

SEO Quiz with 20 questions
Are you ready to take a challenge and test your SEO skills? If you are kind of new to website optimisation it can be a good idea to take our quiz.
Many people doing the SEO quiz find it helpful to see how much they know about SEO. Others like to take the SEO questions before hiring a new SEO company or employing a new in-house SEO.
It can all be done in about 7-8 minutes and you will hopefully learn something new when doing it (unless you are an SEO expert already).
If there are some questions you don’t know, it is always possible to look in our SEO guide for further advice.
Update: We are trying to make the quiz better and clearly show all the correct answers after you have done the test. Hopefully, the updated version will be live on Wednesday.

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