Friday, December 2, 2011



Over the past month Google has mentioned the integration of airline flight schedules into their search results. Users have requested a more seamless way to find flight prices and schedules without having to leave the search page. Like most things, when Google users ask for something, Google is always happy to comply.
Google Flights Page
This interface looks a lot like other travel websites. It is simple and built around a familiar system that users will recognize. The service is a great benefit for users, but online travel companies probably do not like this change at all. It seems like whenever a company has a successful idea for an online service or business, Google agrees with them and provides the same things for free. A great example of this is GoToMeeting, it will be interesting to see if that service can survive now that Google+ business pages provides the same service for free. The online travel market is another sector to watch as the ripples from this announcement spread throughout the internet and users become more accustomed to the feature. In all likelihood, internet users will probably just use this new service as opposed to other options available on the web. People are lazy, and if Google can provide users with what they need and want on the first page, most people will be satisfied.
A new feature for specific search queries has been added. By searching for the terms “flight”, “schedule” and a location, users will receive search results that they are very familiar with on the first page, one might expect Expedia, Kayak, Cheaptickets and other similar sites to rank on the first page for such keywords. This still holds true so websites that rank well for travel related markets should not fear they will be pushed out of the top 10 for search terms that flight results are displayed for as well.
if Google can provide users with what they need and want on the first page, most people will be satisfied. 
Google hasn’t drastically altered the format of the first page for travel related search terms, but they have conveniently placed the flight options in one of the best areas possible. Take a look at the search query, “flights from santa barbara to new york”. There are paid for advertisements that dominate the top section of the page, no organic links at all. Then immediately below the paid for links, Google puts their new flight schedule feature in the area where the first organic search results could be displayed. Makes you wonder if Google will receive any compensation for flights that are booked using this new service. I am fairly certain their is some financial incentive behind this change as the schedule feature takes up most of the remaining room on the front page before the fold.
The flight information is nearly dead center on the first page drawing the users eye and attention towards it immediately. I understand that Google wants to create the best search experience possible for their users, but providing this information will be very damaging to travel companies that make a living off of these same services. Not to mention that many users will likely be confused by this and completely ignore other travel sites like expedia, tavelocity, cheaptickets etc.
As you can see, the schedule service takes up a large amount of the first page. It doesn’t seem fair to other businesses that are trying to rank for similar keywords, but it’s Google and they kind of do whatever they please. This new first page system looks like it is here to stay, so whether you hate it or love it, its time to get used to it. Thankfully this change will not be as disruptive as many of the other algorithm updates that have occurred this year as it will only effect the travel sector. I wonder what search “innovations” Google will come up with next. I just hope they can come up with their own ideas this time, and stop basing their free services on products other companies already provide.

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